Tips for Eliminating Sugar from Your Diet

Burning Spirits Muay Thai

Cutting sugar from your diet is one of the most challenging but rewarding changes you can make for your health. Sugar is everywhere, from the obvious sweet treats to hidden sugars in everyday foods, and reducing it takes intention and discipline. As someone who loves soda, I know firsthand how tough it can be—but also how great it feels once you start to move away from it.

My Struggle with Soda

I have a confession: I love soda. Specifically, there’s nothing quite like an ice-cold Coke after a long fight training camp or a hard training stint in Thailand. It became my reward—a moment to savor after pushing myself to the limit, something I felt I deserved. But over time, I realized that this habit was holding me back. While soda was a treat I looked forward to, the sugar content was affecting my energy levels, recovery, and overall health. It took time, but I eventually decided to make a change.

If you’re in the same boat—maybe it’s soda, sugary snacks, or even added sugar in your coffee—here are some tips that helped me eliminate sugar from my diet and could help you too.

1. Understand Your Triggers

For me, soda was a reward. It was tied to my emotions and accomplishments. Understanding why you crave sugar is the first step to cutting it out. Are you turning to sweets when you’re stressed, tired, or need a reward? Once you identify your triggers, you can start finding healthier alternatives that fulfill those needs.

  • Replace the Reward: Instead of soda, I started rewarding myself with something different after training—a fresh coconut water or a smoothie. It still felt special, but without the sugar crash afterward.

2. Gradually Cut Back

Eliminating sugar doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing move. Gradually cutting back can make the process more sustainable.

  • Start Small: If you’re used to drinking soda daily, try cutting it down to a few times a week, then once a week, until you no longer crave it as much. Over time, I found myself wanting soda less and started choosing healthier options without feeling deprived.
  • Dilute and Replace: For a while, I switched to sparkling water with a splash of juice. It gave me the fizzy satisfaction I craved without all the added sugar.

3. Find Satisfying Alternatives

One of the keys to cutting sugar is finding alternatives that you actually enjoy.

  • Healthy Drinks: Replacing sugary drinks like soda with more natural options can make a big difference. I started drinking iced herbal teas, flavored sparkling water, and cold brew coffee as satisfying replacements. It’s about finding alternatives that you genuinely look forward to so you don’t feel like you’re missing out.
  • Natural Sweetness: If you need something sweet, turn to nature. Fresh fruit or a few dates can satisfy your craving without the negative effects of added sugar. I found that eating an orange or some pineapple gave me the same satisfaction as a sugary drink but with added nutrients.

4. Read Labels and Be Aware of Hidden Sugars

Sugar is sneaky—it hides in everything from sauces to snacks. Learning to read labels and recognize hidden sugars is crucial.

  • Avoid Processed Foods: Many processed foods contain added sugars even if they don’t taste sweet. Things like pasta sauces, bread, and salad dressings often have sugar added for flavor.
  • Different Names, Same Sugar: Look for ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose, or any other “-ose.” These are all forms of sugar that can add up throughout the day.

5. Make It a Mindset Shift

One of the biggest changes I made was shifting my mindset around sugar and rewards. Instead of viewing sugary treats as a reward for hard work, I started to see feeling healthy and energized as the reward. I learned to appreciate how much better I felt when I wasn’t weighed down by sugar.

  • Focus on the Benefits: Once I cut out soda, I noticed fewer energy crashes, better performance in training, and quicker recovery. Focusing on these benefits made it easier to stick with my decision.

6. Build Accountability

Accountability can be incredibly powerful when making changes.

  • Tell Someone: Let your friends, family, or training partners know that you’re trying to cut sugar. Their support—and the thought of not wanting to disappoint them—can help you stick with it.
  • Track Your Progress: I kept a simple note in my phone to track how many days I went without soda. Seeing my progress motivated me to keep going.

The Results: More Energy, Better Performance

Once I made the decision to cut back on sugar, the benefits quickly became apparent. I felt lighter, more energetic, and my performance in training improved. Recovery times shortened, and I didn’t get that dreaded sugar crash anymore. It wasn’t always easy, but the results made it worth it.

If you’re thinking about eliminating sugar from your diet, start with small steps and know that it’s a journey. You don’t need to be perfect from the start, but each choice you make will lead you closer to feeling your best—not just in Muay Thai, but in your day-to-day life.